Information Services
Information Services Unit is responsible for the dissemination of update-to-date information to general public and enquirer. We provide access of information through a wide range of communication mediums including website, social media, phone, e-mail and promote latest activities and achievements of KFUPM on official social networks. We advise and provide support to departments for visual band identity standards compliance.

Information Services works in the following areas:
1. MAIN Website and NEWS Portal:
PRI manages KFUPM main website and news portal. We provide latest news, event calendar and other useful information for prospects/current students, faculty, parents, researcher and general visitor. The News Portal is exclusive for News and archives categorized into Academics, Research and Campus life. The news portal is a well-integrated with main website and Social Media feed.
PRI identifies potential stories and major news for publishing on Main and News websites. We can be contacted for publishing major event or news for publishing on website and social media posts.
2. Social Media Presence:
PRI manages KFUPM social media presence on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube networks to keep its audience up-to-date with latest happenings. KFUPM has official accounts as follows:

Social Media Toolkit: KFUPM Social Media Toolkit is developed to provide essential Guidelines, Policies and resources for building and managing official social networks effectively.

KFUPM Social Media Guide is developed to provide essential Guidelines, Policies and resources for building and managing official social networks effectively. The guide helps Social Media Account Administrators with setting up an official networks on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram for consistent and effective social presence. Please download Social Media Guide.
3. Web Content:
The accuracy and timeliness of information directly impacts the integrity and reputation of the KFUPM. Our Web Content Policy defines the University's position with respect to acceptable and accessible content on website and role of the content owner/creator. Please download web content policy document.
4. Brand Compliance:
KFUPM has developed new identity standards of our Brand for consistent visual identity of KFUPM. These identity standards are mandatory to be followed by all departments for ensuring Brand compliance. We provide advice and necessary support to departments for Visual Brand compliance. Find more about KFUPM Visual Brand website.